TJ Mentus

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6 of The Best 30-Minute Workouts from a Certified Personal Trainer

As great as exercise is for the body, not everyone can spend hours in the gym everyday. On top of that, without a personal trainer, it may be challenging to know what to do or to even where to start creating your own workout routine. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend many hours in the gym to get a good workout in. The CDC recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly,  » Read more about: 6 of The Best 30-Minute Workouts from a Certified Personal Trainer  »

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Is Running On a Treadmill Bad for You? Our Experts Weigh In

If you’re wondering, “Is running on a treadmill bad for you?” we have your answer.

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Dumbbell Leg Workout: Try These Moves for Strong Legs

Every workout program should include leg exercises and workouts. The legs are the foundation of the body and training them will improve your ability to get around, increase your overall athleticism, and help make you a fitter version of yourself. If you are looking for a way to train the lower body, a dumbbell-only leg workout may be just what you need. A dumbbell leg workout allows for lots of variety in exercises and movements so you can hit every muscle group in the lower body.  » Read more about: Dumbbell Leg Workout: Try These Moves for Strong Legs  »

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3 Full-Body Kettlebell Workouts for Any Goal, Written by a Personal Trainer

Three ideas for a full-body kettlebell workout straight from a certified personal trainer.