We test and review fitness products based on an independent, multi-point methodology. If you use our links to purchase something, we may earn a commission. Read our disclosures.

There are treadmills out there that cost almost $5,000, but do you need to spend that much to get a high-quality one? Nope! I’m here to tell you that you can get a pretty good treadmill for your home gym for under $2,000. And when I say pretty good, I mean equipped with Bluetooth technology, sporting a decently sized HD touchscreen display, and offering folding capabilities for tight spaces. 

Given that there are hundreds of treadmills out there at different price ranges, it’s not always clear which ones are worth buying. Therefore, we’ve prepared this treadmill review so you can learn which six treadmills made the list of our top picks for the best treadmills under $2,000. 

Man running on treadmill

When It Comes To Treadmills, We Know Our Stuff

Not trying to toot our own horn, but we really do know treadmills. Our testers have taken the time to review hundreds of them, so they know the good, the bad, and the ugly. When new treadmills come to our garage gyms and training facility, we like to test them for at least a month to determine what’s hot and what’s not.

In addition, we take a multi-faceted approach, which means we review treadmills through the lens of different experts. From physical therapists and certified personal trainers to weightlifting coaches and nutrition practitioners, we’re all assessing how different types of fitness equipment stack up. So if you’re looking for an authentic and honest treadmill review without the marketing minutia, we’ve got your back. 

The 6 Best Treadmills Under $2,000

Best Treadmill Under $2,000 Overall: NordicTrack Commercial 1750

Good for: Individuals looking for a heavy-duty treadmill with decline capabilities and interactive programming 

Best Treadmill Under $2,000 Overall
NordicTrack Commercial 1750
NordicTrack Commercial 1750

The NordicTrack 1750 treadmill features a 14-inch HD adjustable touchscreen with which you can stream iFIT programming on (sold separately). The under $2,000 machine can be financed through the NordicTrack website where you can get deals as low as $49 per month with 0% for 39 months.Models from 2013-2021 of the 1750 had adjustable cushioning, but the 2023 model no longer has this feature.iFIT workouts incorporate Automatic Trainer Control, which allows your trainer to digitally adjust your incline, decline, and speed. This is a nice feature to have because all you have to do is focus on the workout at hand versus frantically switching the controls.


  • Foldable
  • 3.5 CHP motor
  • Incline and decline capabilities 
  • Rotating 14-inch HD touchscreen 
  • Two cooling fans


  • Not great for small spaces 
  • Difficult to move
  • May require two people to assemble

There’s a lot to love about the NordicTrack Commerical 1750. It’s got a nice-sized running surface, which is great for runners of all heights, and a tilting HD touchscreen. The iFIT interactive programming is especially impressive because it’ll feel like a personal trainer is right there with you. When the trainer increases their speed or changes their incline, it’ll automatically make those changes on your treadmill, too. 

nordic track commercial 1750 treadmill in use

We also can’t neglect its decline training function, which you won’t find on many treadmills. As a result, runners get to feel like they’re running down a hill without actually going outside. Plus, the decline feature lets you build up your quadriceps, and who would complain about that?

Although the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 has a bigger footprint, it’s still considered a compact treadmill due to its folding abilities. However, it’s a heavy-duty machine with a powerful motor that’ll more than meet the needs of most runners. 

To learn more about the NordicTrack Commercial 1750, check out our in-depth review.

Speed and Incline0-12 MPH, -3% to 15% incline range
Other Key FeaturesBluetooth connectivity to headphones, tablet holder, two cooling fans, foldable, water bottle holder

Best Treadmill Under $2,000 With iFIT: ProForm Pro 9000

Good for: Serious runners who prefer commercial-built home treadmills equipped with iFIT coaching  

Best With iFIT
ProForm Pro 9000
ProForm Pro 9000

Take your training to the next level with an iFit Family membership on the Pro 9000 treadmill. Engage in a whole new workout experience as streamed live and on-demand personal trainers lead you in studio classes and take you all around the world, automatically controlling your treadmill's speed, incline, and decline to give you a unique, hands-free workout.


  • High-capacity motor 
  • 22-inch HD touchscreen 
  • Extra-long handrails
  • Cushioning system
  • Quick speed and incline controls


  • Subpar WiFi connectivity 
  • Customer-reported tech issues
  • Difficult to transport

If you’re a runner looking to smash your fitness goals, the ProForm Pro 9000 is a great option. The deck cushioning under the treadmill will give you the support you need when walking, jogging, or sprinting. Runners with sensitive joints will especially appreciate this feature. 

One attribute that’s often overlooked but very helpful is this machine’s extra-long handrails. If you’re doing some HIIT, these handrails will be exactly what you’re looking for during rest intervals. On top of that, the handles have built-in heart rate monitors, which are helpful to glance at when warming up and cooling down. 

Coop running on the Proform Pro 9000 treadmill

The large touchscreen display is definitely brag-worthy and will make the iFIT workout programs even more enjoyable and engaging. With the screen’s bright and vivid colors, you’ll feel like you’re running along the beach and around the world right next to the trainer. Plus, you’ll get a free 30-day iFIT trial when you purchase this home treadmill. 

iFIT has numerous live and on-demand training programs you can participate in on and off the treadmill, so that’s a nice perk. Folks who aren’t interested in coming up with their own treadmill workout routines and prefer the done-for-you approach will find this machine an excellent choice.

Pair all of this with the quick incline and speed controls, a treadmill belt that lets you stretch your stride, and a powerful motor that supports heavy use, and you’ve got a top-quality treadmill. 

To learn more about the ProForm Pro 9000, check out our in-depth review. 

Speed and Incline0-12 MPH, -3% decline to 12% incline
Other Key Features3.6 CHP Mach Z™ motor, Bluetooth connectivity to headphones, single-button controls, storage space, heart rate monitors

Best Treadmill Under $2,000 for Bad Knees: Sole F80

Good for: Taller and heavier people desiring a simple, durable treadmill option that isn’t overloaded with tech features 


  • 375-lb user weight capacity 
  • Great warranty program 
  • 15 levels of incline
  • Powerful 3.5 CHP motor


  • No touchscreen 
  • Heavier treadmill
  • Poor cooling fan

Runners and walkers looking for a treadmill to help them achieve their fitness goals without all the frills will like the Sole F80. It’s a stable machine built on a welded steel frame that allows it to endure some of the heaviest of running. In addition, advanced runners who want to simulate going up a very steep hill will like that the incline on this machine goes up to 15%.

I like that the treadmill deck size gives you ample running space, so you should feel confident that you won’t fall off if you take long strides. We also can’t ignore the weight capacity either. Most treadmills have a weight capacity that lands somewhere between 200 and 300 pounds. But this treadmill can support a person up to 375 pounds. Impressive. 

Sole f63 with Coop and the display.

Although it doesn’t have built-in interactive programming, you can use your phone or tablet to access the Sole Fitness app and Studio programming. Sole Fitness offers a variety of treadmill running and walking programs, as well as options for ellipticals and other fitness equipment. However, if you’re not interested, check out the F80’s preset programs. It has several options, such as interval training, fat-burning, and hills, but you can also create your own.

The built-in USB charger is a clutch feature, too. Using your tablet or phone to access fitness apps can completely drain your battery, but you don’t have to worry about that here. Overall, the Sole F80 is a solid machine, but if any issues arise, it has a pretty top-notch warranty to back it up.

To learn more about the Sole F80, be sure to check out our in-depth review. 

Speed and Incline.5-12 MPH, 0 to 15% incline
Other Key FeaturesLifetime frame, deck, and motor warranty; tablet holder; built-in USB charger, 9″ LCD screen, white back-lit, foldable

Best Folding Treadmill Under $2,000: NordicTrack EXP 14i

Good for: Runners who prefer a foldable treadmill with adjustable cushioning and touchscreen display 

Best Folding Treadmill Under $2,000
NordicTrack EXP 14i Treadmill
NordicTrack EXP 14i Treadmill

Equipped with a 14” HD touchscreen and more than 17,000 workouts to choose from, you'll never get tired of working out on the NordicTrack EXP 14i. And with the 12% incline and -3% decline that lets you train at variable grades, this treadmill is a great option for those who wish to simulate outdoor running.You can also try one of their many iFIT workouts where your trainer can automatically adjust the incline, decline and speed to get a great workout every time. The NordicTrack EXP 14i also gives you new challenges to choose from daily. The cross-training options include things like yoga and strength training, as well as tools like stretching for recovery.With a cushioned deck, folding frame, and many conveniences such as amplified speakers, Bluetooth connectivity, and a fan, this is an all-around great mid-range treadmill.


  • Decline and incline capabilities
  • Folding frame
  • Adjustable deck cushioning
  • Amplified speakers 
  • 14-inch HD touchscreen


  • Time-consuming assembly process
  • Not as useful without iFIT membership 
  • Noisy when changing settings

Folks with an iFIT membership desiring a treadmill that’s easy to fold, unfold, and move around will like the NordicTrack EXP 14i. It’s got transport wheels in the front, so you don’t have to dread trying to maneuver it around a room. 

Runners will benefit from this treadmill’s AutoAdjust technology, which changes the incline and speed for you. This allows you to seamlessly follow along with your iFIT trainer and focus on your workout. In addition, it comes with a standard-sized running deck, making it comfortable enough for both short and tall runners. 

jogging on NordicTrack EXP 14i treadmill

However, what’s really impressive is its FlexSelect cushioning system. You get to choose how much shock absorption the deck provides, which is helpful for those with joint issues and individuals who want to mimic an outdoor run.

The 14-inch touchscreen display isn’t the largest that NordicTrack treadmills offer, but it’s still a great size to view instructor-led workouts from. You’ll feel in the zone rocking out to your favorite tunes with your headphones hooked up via Bluetooth technology. And while the workout is warming you up, the built-in cooling fan is there to help you cool down. 

To learn more about the NordicTrack EXP 14i to see if it’s the right fit for you, check out our in-depth review. 

Speed and Incline0-12 MPH, -3% decline to 12% incline range
Other Key FeaturesCooling fan, Google Maps, Bluetooth connectivity, device shelf, water bottle holders, automatic trainer control

Best for Runners: Horizon 7.8 AT

Good for: Determined runners that would prefer to select their own fitness streaming apps or opt for absolutely none at all 

Best for Runners
Horizon 7.8 AT Treadmill
Horizon 7.8 AT Treadmill

One of the most respectable treadmills in Horizon’s lineup is the Horizon 7.8 AT, the highest-grade model in the Studio Series. This treadmill features impressive specs, including a 22-inch-by-60-inch cushioned running deck, a powerful 4.0 CHP motor, a colorful 9.3-inch monitor, integrated speakers for an immersive experience, a rapid-charge USB port, and an included Bluetooth 4.0 heart rate strap. With the 7.8 AT, users can stream fitness classes from popular fitness platforms like Studio, Zwift, and Peloton all without a required subscription. That said, connection to third-party apps does require a personal smart device to access touch screen content, videos, or online classes. If you’re someone who enjoys interval training, the 7.8 AT will likely be a great fit. Equipped with exclusive QuickDial controls and an integrated Sprint 8 HIIT program, runners can quickly and conveniently control speed and incline with the roller style control. Unlike grip-mounted buttons, the rollers allow users to tweak the speed or incline with minimal interruption to their run. Horizon provides an impressive lifetime warranty on both the frame and motor, which is testament to its quality design and components. As with all models in this Studio Series, the 7.8 AT features a folding design and transport wheels. However, with a weight of 330 pounds, it’s not easily moved around. Additionally, when folded, it still has a large footprint so it’s not very space-saving.


  • Powerful motor
  • Great for HIIT
  • Connects with third-party fitness apps
  • Cushioned running deck 


  • Doesn’t have a touchscreen 
  • No decline option
  • No built-in video workouts 

The Horizon 7.8 AT treadmill is unique from other treadmills in that it doesn’t require you to use a fitness app. With other brand-name treadmills, you sacrifice utilizing practically all of their features if you forego whatever fitness app they suggest. Fortunately, that’s not the case here. 

With its Bluetooth chest strap, you can swiftly connect to Peloton or Zwift if you want to. In addition, you’ll have the option to stream on-demand fitness classes and entertainment, all of which can make running much more pleasurable. However, do keep in mind that these features aren’t necessarily free. Whatever fitness app you add will require a membership fee.  

horizon 7.4 treadmill in use
Image of the Horizon 7.4 AT, which we have tested.

This treadmill is packed with a cushioned deck and a powerful motor that’ll make serious runners smile from ear to ear. Its quiet yet robust rapid sync motor—of which Horizon doesn’t disclose the power of but we guess is about 4 CHP—is perfect for those who do interval training as it quickly and flawlessly changes inclines and speeds.

The Horizon 7.8 AT also includes a QuickDial control, which you don’t see every day on a treadmill. This allows you to quickly roll a dial to the speed or incline of your choice. Although it’s not the most technologically advanced treadmill on this list, it’s at least got a tablet holder so you can prop it up and get your workout on. 

To learn more about the various features and specifications included with the Horizon 7.8 AT, check out our in-depth review.

ProgrammingTen built-in programs; Can connect to third-party fitness apps
Speed and Incline0-12 MPH, 0 to 15% incline range
Other Key FeaturesLifetime frame and motor warranty, QuickDial control, water bottle holder, one-step hydraulic folding, tablet holder, fan

Best Treadmill Under $2,000 to Stream Shows: Bowflex Treadmill 10

Good for: Advanced athletes and family members alike who want a quiet, high-quality, and durable treadmill 

Best Treadmill to Stream Shows
Bowflex Treadmill 10
Bowflex Treadmill 10

If you’re looking for an interactive treadmill with a solid and sturdy build, the Bowflex Treadmill 10 is a great option for any runner. The Treadmill 10 supports speeds up to 12 miles per hour and, quite impressively, has both motorized incline and decline options ranging from -5%-15%, which makes it possible to train for any terrain. That said, it is odd that Bowflex shares no information on the motor’s power. In fact, they stated that they do not have that information on their website when questioned by a potential buyer. Other sites have reported a whopping 4.0 CHP motor, but we couldn’t confirm that. Still, users do report a powerful feel to the motor with little to no lag time. Use the interactive, high-definition, adjustable touchscreen to access a myriad of training content that comes with your one-year free JRNY membership. Bound to keep you motivated and on track with your fitness goals, the JRNY membership provides virtual coaching, trainer-led workouts and adaptive workouts that progressively get harder as your fitness improves. The Bowflex Treadmill 10 comes with some awesome conveniences, too. It’s Bluetooth-enabled for smart devices, has an included Bluetooth heart rate armband, a console fan and boasts speed and incline knobs for ease of use. The cushioned running deck will feel roomy, too, as it measures 22 inches by 60 inches, which is larger than most folding treadmills. To that end, the Bowflex Treadmill 10 uses a soft drop folding system to easily fold and unfold. However, weighing 323 pounds assembled, this tank of a machine is not easily moved around, so plan on dedicating a space in your home gym for its use. 


  • 400-pound maximum user weight 
  • Decline capabilities 
  • Foldable 


  • Heavy
  • Challenging assembly process 
  • Company won’t disclose motor specs

Beginners and professional athletes alike have heard of Bowflex. They’re a household name in gyms worldwide, likely due to their infomercials in the early 2000s. But how does this treadmill stack up today? Well, it’s got a very nice incline/decline range of -5% to 15% so that you can train for practically any terrain. You can also run up to 12 MPH and have enough room to sprint comfortably. 

Interestingly enough, Bowflex is pretty secretive about its motor, but a few little birdies in the fitness community believe it’s a 4.0 CHP motor. If that information is accurate, then that’s pretty darn good. A motor like that can handle some pretty intense workouts. 

coop folding bowflex treadmill 10

The max weight capacity on this treadmill is 400 pounds, which is noteworthy. However, the machine is hefty, so you have to ask yourself if it’s worth it. Although it would be a very sturdy addition to your home gym, it’s not something you would be able to move around or store in a small space comfortably. 

Regarding technology, the Bowflex Treadmill 10 offers a clear screen, but it’s smaller than others in its price range. It is nice to be able to hook up Hulu, Netflix, Prime, and other streaming apps to help make running more enjoyable.

If you want interactive programming, you’ll be able to set up a subscription to JRNY Fitness. They’ve got several classes you can check out while you’re on or off the treadmill, but don’t expect it to be on the same level as iFIT or Peloton. 

To learn more detailed information about the Bowflex Treadmill 10, check out our in-depth review. 

ProgrammingJRNY Fitness
Speed and Incline0-12 MPH, -5% decline to 15% incline range
Other Key Features10-inch adjustable screen, foldable, competitive warranty, Bluetooth-enabled, 10” HD touchscreen, heart rate monitor

Other Treadmills Under $2,000 We Researched

These treadmills didn’t quite make the “best-of” cut, but they’re still worth mentioning. We’ve had the opportunity to review a few of the mentions below and can say that they’re high-quality for home use. 

ProForm Pro 2000: If we’re being honest, the ProForm Pro 2000 is really just the smaller-screened sibling of the ProForm Pro 9000. The main difference between the two treadmills is that this one has a 10-inch touchscreen and a 3.25 CHP motor. You’ll also find it priced around $1,500, which makes it a few hundred dollars cheaper than its older sibling. 

NordicTrack EXP 10i: Another great option from NordicTrack that boasts adjustable deck cushioning, a 3.5 CHP motor, and admirable incline and decline capabilities. Runners, joggers, and walkers alike will enjoy this treadmill, especially when paired with iFIT. However, it’s not the quietest option and wouldn’t be the best choice for someone wanting a screen bigger than 10 inches. 

ProForm Carbon T10 Treadmill: This treadmill features a 2.75 horsepower motor and has speeds up to 10 MPH. This is great for walkers and joggers, but advanced runners would likely prefer a machine with at least a 3.0 CHP motor and 12 MPH max speed. You’ll get a 10-inch touchscreen and iFIT capabilities, but you might find it shaky at some points during your workout. 

Echelon Stride: The Echelon Stride is relatively easy to assemble and great for small spaces, but it might not be the best option for taller people. In addition, the 1.75 CHP motor isn’t going to cut it for serious runners, but if you’re walking, this treadmill is a decent choice. You’re not going to get a touchscreen on this bad boy, but you can set up your own device to stream movies and workouts. 

How We Picked and Tested

Our process for picking the best treadmills under $2000 was quite intense if I do say so myself. We don’t believe in rushing the process and take our time using each treadmill to see what’s impressive and what could be better. Here are some factors me and the expert panel consider anytime we hop on a treadmill: 

  • Running deck: Is it long and wide enough for taller and/or heavier individuals? Can one sprint without feeling like they’re going to fly off the machine? 
  • Motor: Is this motor better for walking or running? 
  • Programming: If the machine is compatible with streaming apps, can you choose which one you want to connect to? Does the treadmill have a variety of built-in workout programs if streaming options are unavailable? 
  • Speed and incline ranges: Will you be able to simulate a downhill or uphill experience? Does the speed go up high enough to challenge a more advanced runner? 
  • Cushioning system: Is the shock absorption good enough for someone with sensitive joints? 
  • Portability and assembly: Can the treadmill be folded? Are transport wheels there to maneuver it easily? Does it take one person to put it together, or will you need at least two? 
  • Durability: Is the machine sturdy and made with quality parts, or does it have a plastic-y feel? 
  • Warranty: Does the manufacturer provide a 15-year or lifetime warranty on the frame, two years on parts, and one year on labor?  
  • Technical capabilities: Does it have Bluetooth, easily connect to WiFi, offer one-touch controls or a touchscreen?
Saucony Kinvara 13 Treadmill Running Shoes

Benefits of Treadmills

We all know that exercising is necessary for good health, but why are so many people flocking to treadmills? Well, it’s likely due to their many benefits, such as the ones below: 

Great Activity For Cardio

A research paper published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity1 shows that working out just 30 minutes daily, five days a week can help us prevent cardiovascular disease. Rachel MacPherson, certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, states, “Treadmills give beginners and athletes an efficient way to complete an aerobic activity. People new to exercise can get their cardio in by walking or jogging, while runners with a bit more experience can challenge themselves by cranking up the speed and incline. Using a treadmill can help you improve your cardio health at whatever stage you’re at in your fitness journey.”  

Simple to Use and Store

On this list alone, you can see that there are several different types of treadmills out there. Some have more bells and whistles than others, but at the end of the day, they’re all fairly easy to operate. Another nice perk is that many are foldable, so you can squeeze them into a corner of your home when you’re not using them. 

What to Look for in Treadmills Under $2,000

Before you head over to Amazon searching for a high-quality treadmill under $2000, here are a few things you should look for: 

A Solid Frame

Just because you’re not looking to spend $4,000 on a treadmill doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be sturdy. Honestly, this is probably the best price range for a treadmill that doesn’t feel wobbly under your feet. The frame should be well-built and be able to handle walking, jogging, and consistent running. In addition, treadmills at this price point can typically support a higher weight limit, but understand that this also means the treadmill will weigh a little more. 

For extra protection, look for brands that offer a competitive warranty just in case the frame or another major part needs to be replaced. Some companies, like Sole Fitness, offer a warranty that covers the product’s lifespan.

proform vs nordictrack treadmills

A Motor Built for Heavy Activity

If you’re doing some serious running, you’ll want a motor that can handle it. Fortunately, treadmills just under $2000 typically have some pretty powerful motors. Most will come with a 3.0 or 4.0 CHP motor that can handle swift incline and speed transitions. 

Technical Functionality and Other Conveniences

Who knew you could get a machine under $2,000 that still comes equipped with a decently sized HD touchscreen display? At this price point, you can still get the extras such as: 

  • Streaming services
  • Bluetooth-enabled speakers 
  • Heart rate monitor
  • Google Maps
  • USB charging
  • Built-in workout programs 

So, if tech and other neat features are something you’re looking for, you can get it, but you’ll be paying just under $2,000 for it. As the price decreases, you’re looking at a simple LCD console. 

Running Deck

An adequately sized and top-quality running deck is possibly one of the most important features of a treadmill. Most treadmills at this price point have a running surface that’s 22 inches wide by 60 inches long, which is satisfactory for most larger and taller runners. At this size, you shouldn’t feel like your movements are restricted. 

RELATED: History of Treadmills

FAQs About Treadmills Under $2,000

What is a good treadmill at a good price?

The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 made it on our list as the best treadmill under $2,000 overall. We believe it’s a good treadmill at a good price, but it also depends on your individual needs. As long as it’s a quality product that meets your needs and fitness level, and fits your budget, we consider it a good treadmill. 

What are the top three treadmills?

The top three treadmills for one person may not fall under the top three treadmills for you. Be sure to reference our section on “how we pick treadmills.” This will help you determine which are the top three treadmills for you. 

That said, three of our favorite treadmills for home gyms are:
Best Treadmill Overall: NordicTrack Commercial 1750
Best Treadmill Under $1500: Sole F63
Best Treadmill for Running: ProForm Pro 9000

How long do cheap treadmills last?

This depends on many factors, such as how often you use it and how you’re using it. Another thing to consider is proper maintenance because a neglected treadmill, cheap or expensive, will break down. Overall, the average lifespan for a treadmill is about seven to 12 years, so it’ll likely fall somewhere in there.


  1. Tian D, Meng J. Exercise for Prevention and Relief of Cardiovascular Disease: Prognoses, Mechanisms, and Approaches. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2019 Apr 9;2019:3756750. doi: 10.1155/2019/3756750. PMID: 31093312; PMCID: PMC6481017.

Further reading

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