Mary Ruth’s Kids Fiber Gummy are designed to help kids add fiber to their diet. Mary Ruth’s recommends kids ages 2 and up take one gummy per day. They also recommend you discuss this with your child’s pediatrician prior to giving them to your child.
Mary Ruth’s shares that the gummy helps support digestive health and regularity for your child. The gummy is only available in one flavor, papaya. Some parents struggled to get their kids to take the supplement because they didn’t like the papaya flavor, though reviews of the fiber gummies are mostly positive.
Some parents shared that these were the only fiber supplements they could get their child to take. They also shared that the gummy helped their kids with their bowel issues. Most parents shared that their kids liked the papaya flavor. Negative reviews complained that the gummies were extremely chewy and their children had difficulty chewing the supplement. These gummies do contain both stevia and the sugar alcohol maltitol, which are both known to cause digestive issues in some people.
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