The WOD Nation Ab Roller has the traditional ab roller design of two wheels surrounded by handles. WOD Nation states that their ab roller targets the abs while also engaging the arms, pectorals, back, and leg muscles. They also share that the ab roller will help improve your strength and balance. WOD Nation claims their ab roller is appropriate for all levels of users, from beginners to experts.
The WOD Nation Ab Roller requires some assembly. However, WOD Nation says this makes the ab roller portable, so you can workout on the go. The roller has two PVC (polyvinyl chloride) wheels with stainless steel handles and red textured performance grips.
The WOD Nation Ab Roller has largely positive reviews. Users found the wheels to roll in a smooth and predictable manner. They really appreciated the stainless steel handles and the portability of the roller. They also loved the affordable price. Some users even mentioned that this was the best ab roller they’ve ever used.
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