The Stick Mobility System uses a specially designed stick as a tool to help you increase your functional range of movement, full body strength, posture, stability and body awareness. The stick helps you to achieve ranges of motion you would not normally be able to reach and the ability to apply tension while you are in these new positions. Ideally, the 7 foot Mobility Stick and the 5 foot Mini Mobility Stick are sized for people who are taller than 5’10”. We recommend the 6 foot and 4 foot Mobility Sticks for those under 5’10” tall. The 4567 offers flexibility in height. Pro Model Version Mobility is for everyone, not just the small petite population. Our Pro Model stick is meant for people who are very strong and/or 220 lbs+. The Pro Model, at 1.5 inches in diameter, is ½ an inch thicker than the standard version. Our clients with larger hands will appreciate the larger grip diameter. It takes much more force to flex this stick. This will give our larger clients more security when doing such moves as the “monkey hang”, which may put a large amount of flex on the stick. Stronger clients will also enjoy the benefits of the Pro Model when doing the “human bow and arrow”, which requires force to push the stick away from your center line. The Pro Model is the latest tool in our Stick Mobility arsenal aimed at helping you move better.
- Stick Mobility will Unlock the Inhbited Movements that Prevent Optimal Function and Health
- Take your Performance to the Next Level
- Increase Athletic Fitness, Injury Rehab, Increase Body Awareness, Reduce Injury
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