What Is Virtual Coaching?
This is our flagship and most popular Virtual Coaching service. Weekly Virtual Coaching includes comprehensive assessment and engagement to promote the best possible coach/athlete relationship. Our team has spent years building systems and processes to help optimize and provide the best possible feedback and direction forward week to week using various methods of autoregulation, frequent feedback, and video analysis. We view this coaching as a long-term athletic development process, not just a 12-week program to peak you for a meet. This means we’re devoted to the holistic picture of helping you to improve in the direction of your specific goals and approaching them from all possible angles to help you to the greatest degree possible.
Something that sets us apart from other coaching services is that we are exactly that, a coaching service. This is not a template or even just an individual program. Our goal is long-term development of the individual and we try to cover all the bases for that as it relates to training. In addition to receiving an updated training program weekly, you will also be given a movement plan at the beginning and as needed later which gives technical cues to work on based on video analysis, and corrective drills to begin to address faults in technique. This helps us ensure we’re developing movement quality in conjunction with other athletic qualities to help optimize not only your performance but also longevity.
Remote coaching has some unique obstacles not present during tradition in-person coaching. Most challenges revolve around communication which is why we’ve created systems to manage multiple communicatory paths. We combine the objective information provided in your training log with the subjective information provided in your weekly check-ins to decide what needs updated and ultimately to determine how effective the training is. Ultimately, once you become part of the Kabuki Strength Team you become the most important person to us. Your goals become our goals and we only have your best interest in mind.
Who Is This Service Good For?
While we primarily work with strength athletes (powerlifters, weightlifters, strongman, etc.) this is a service that has benefitted individuals from all walks of life. Whether you’re looking to set a new world record or just looking to be able to pick things up pain-free and continue to train and lead a healthy lifestyle, we are here to help you reach those goals. The hands-on nature of this service makes it well suited for anyone and everyone looking to live better through strength.
What’s Included?
- Weekly Program Management – We manage every aspect of your program on a week to week basis to ensure you are maximizing your effort training. You can expect less than 24hr turnaround time from when you submit your plan to when the updated version is delivered to you.
- Includes Movement Coaching – We aren’t just looking at numbers. We ensure all of our athletes are working to be as efficient as possible to prevent injuries and express more of the strength they already have. Everything included in Movement Coaching is included here.
- Athlete Dashboard – This is where you submit your training plan, videos, and any other feedback each week. You’ll also have links to our video library, Facebook group, and your Coaches calendar so you can schedule phone or Skype calls whenever you’d like.
- Athlete Exclusive Benefits – Also on the dashboard you’ll have access to unique discount codes to our store that may be applied to equipment, apparel, or any other products in our store. You’ll also receive 50% off any of our seminars, and a free Lab membership.
- 100% Individualized Training Plan – No stone is left unturned in our initial assessment. We look at movement quality, injury history, available equipment, days you want to train, sleep habits, hydration, and many other factors. All of this information comes together in your training plan specifically for you.
- Daily Live Team Training Sessions – Monday – Friday we sit down and video conference with any of our athletes who are training to give live technique feedback, answer questions, and build our community. You also get feedback from a different perspective from other coaches on our staff.
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