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Picture this: You’re on your home treadmill, feet pounding, sweat pouring, when aha! You remember that your machine has a cooling fan. You turn it on, and sweet relief—suddenly, your running experience is a lot less uncomfortable. 

This could be you, if you purchase a treadmill with a fan. If you don’t know where to start in this process, read on for our roundup of the best treadmills with fans to help you narrow down your decision. 

We Make Buying Gym Equipment a Breeze

Our expert product testers, who are also certified personal trainers, CrossFit Level 1 Trainers, and former college athletes, have reviewed dozens upon dozens of treadmills, ellipticals, rowing machines, and more. We know how to evaluate a treadmill on all the important specs, which is how we settled on the list you’ll read about below. From the best treadmills with screens to the best treadmills for bad knees, we have a roundup for just about everything. (Poke around, we dare you!)

5 Best Treadmills With Fans 

Best Treadmill With a Fan Overall: NordicTrack Commercial 1750 

Good for: Runners who appreciate interactive programming

Best Overall
NordicTrack Commercial 1750
NordicTrack Commercial 1750

The NordicTrack 1750 treadmill features a 14-inch HD adjustable touchscreen with which you can stream iFIT programming on (sold separately). The under $2,000 machine can be financed through the NordicTrack website where you can get deals as low as $49 per month with 0% for 39 months.Models from 2013-2021 of the 1750 had adjustable cushioning, but the 2023 model no longer has this feature.iFIT workouts incorporate Automatic Trainer Control, which allows your trainer to digitally adjust your incline, decline, and speed. This is a nice feature to have because all you have to do is focus on the workout at hand versus frantically switching the controls.


  • Powerful motor 
  • Incline and decline options 
  • HD touchscreen with iFIT capabilities


  • Large footprint 
  • Heavy machine 
  • Warranty voided if stored in a garage

There are plenty of reasons why we’ve named the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 our all-time favorite treadmill in many a roundup on our site: Its 3.5 continuous horsepower motor and spacious running deck are suitable for walkers and runners alike, plus the decline training option is something that’s not seen on a ton of treadmills on the market. Like other NordicTrack treadmills, the 14-inch touchscreen allows you to follow along with an iFIT workout program, where personal trainers will lead you on runs in beautiful locales all over the globe.

But another thing we really like about this foldable treadmill is its AutoBreeze fan. The fan is built into the horizontal handlebar, providing ideal placement for the air to cool you down. And while the latest version of the 1750 doesn’t have the Runner’s Flex cushioning seen on previous iterations, we really like the ergonomics of this machine overall. 

One big downside to this machine is that’s it’s heavy and hard to move, so you’ll need a dedicated space for it in your home gym. It’s also fairly complicated to put together, so grab a friend to help. 

Check out our in-depth NordicTrack Commercial 1750 review for more comprehensive thoughts about our top pick. 

Fan 1, AutoBreeze
Footprint80” L x 38” W x 65” H
Weight capacity300 lbs
Motor3.5 CHP DurX Commercial Plus 
Display 14” touchscreen

Best High-End Treadmill With a Fan: ProForm Pro 9000 

Good for: Serious runners who want all the bells and whistles

Best High-End
ProForm Pro 9000
ProForm Pro 9000

Take your training to the next level with an iFit Family membership on the Pro 9000 treadmill. Engage in a whole new workout experience as streamed live and on-demand personal trainers lead you in studio classes and take you all around the world, automatically controlling your treadmill's speed, incline, and decline to give you a unique, hands-free workout.


  • 22-inch touchscreen
  • iFIT-enabled
  • 3.6 CHP motor 
  • Foldable


  • Expensive 
  • Warranty is subpar 
  • Customers complain of tech issues

If you have a bigger budget and are looking for a heavy-duty treadmill with a fan, you’ll want to check out the ProForm Pro 9000. This bad boy is a runner’s dream: 3.6 CHP motor, 20-inch-by-60-inch running deck, incline and decline settings, plus the ReBound Pro shock-absorbing cushioning system provide all you could need to hit your next treadmill run PR. Add in the CoolAire fan—which has two speed settings—and you’ll be extra comfortable while you do it. 

If you care a lot about a treadmill with a fan, you may be using the machine in an area like your garage gym where things can get steamy, so it’s worth noting: If you store this machine in your garage, it’ll void the warranty.

This cardio machine does come with a price tag that matches its features—about $2,300, plus a monthly fee for the iFIT membership—and some customers, including us, had issues connecting our machine to the WiFi, and other technical glitches. (If you can’t connect to the WiFi, iFIT becomes an obsolete factor). However, we think the ProForm Pro 9000 provides a lot of value for the price. 

Read our in-depth ProForm Pro 9000 review for the rest of our thoughts. 

Fan 1, CoolAire
Footprint77.3” L x 35.3” W x 59.6” H
Weight capacity300 lbs
Motor3.6 CHP Mach Z
Display 22” touchscreen

Best Budget Treadmill With a Fan: Sole F63 

Good for: An entry-level trainee who wants a solid machine without all the tech features

Best Budget
Sole F63
Sole F63

Named "Best in its Price Range" by Fit Rated, Run Reviews, Treadmill Reviews, and many others. Easy Assist Folding Deck Design makes storing your treadmill easy and convenient. High-end rollers create a static free motion leading to a long lifespan. Smoothest treadmill when making adjustments mid-workout. LCD screen provides real-time statistics to monitor progress towards goals.Plus, Sole has recently released its own version of Peloton-esque programming: STUDIO. You can access a variety of on-demand classes for just $19.99 per month.


  • Priced around $1,200
  • Lifetime warranty on frame and motor 
  • Generous running belt 
  • High user weight capacity


  • LCD screen 
  • Shakes a high speeds 
  • Large footprint 

If you’re on the search for a treadmill with a fan that’s on the lower side of the price range, check out the Sole F63, a machine that we like for its simplicity, sound mechanical specs, and price. 

It comes equipped with dual fans above the monitor that can be switched on and off using a switch down below. We find that this fan placement is not ideal for folks of all heights—I’m on the shorter side at 5 feet, 4 inches and it tends to blow toward the top of my face—but hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right?

Despite that, this machine has a lot more to like: A 60-inch tread belt is suitable for serious runners and taller exercisers, while the 325-pound user weight capacity is inclusive to more people. Despite this, we did find that the machine shakes a bit when you get it up near its max speed of 12 MPH. 

And lastly, this machine doesn’t have a touchscreen, just an LCD display that displays varying metrics like time, distance, calories burned, speed, and more, plus 10 built-in treadmill workouts. You are able to use Bluetooth to connect to Studio, Sole’s interactive workout programming, but we haven’t gotten to try it yet. 

Read the rest of our thoughts about the Sole F63 treadmill in our full review.

Footprint82” L x 35” W x 66” H
Weight capacity325 lbs
Motor3.0 HP
Display 6.5” LCD

Best Folding Treadmill With a Fan: Horizon 7.4 AT 

Good for: Casual runners and walkers who want a quality machine that folds

Best Folding
Horizon 7.4 AT Treadmill
Horizon 7.4 AT Treadmill

The Horizon 7.4 AT treadmill is a workhorse. It isn't a Peloton Tread, nor does it claim to have all the bells and whistles that a technology based treadmill might offer. However, with a 3.5 CHP motor, you'll be able to do pretty much any type of cardio your heart desires. If you're in the mood for some all out sprints, the 7.4 can accommodate you with maximum speeds up to 12 mph. Want to feel like you're climbing a mountain? The 7.4 can help you there too with a 15% incline. Plus, if you're into regular steady state cardio, the 7.4 has a XL running deck of 60 inches, so you can stride without the fear of falling off.Plus, the warranty on this treadmill is stellar. You get a lifetime warranty on the frame and the motor, plus two years on parts and one year on labor. What more could you ask for?


  • Folds
  • Open platform, so you can connect to multiple fitness apps 
  • Stellar weight capacity 
  • Priced well for a smart treadmill


  • Heavy at 318 lbs 
  • Motor power not disclosed  
  • Need your own device to stream programming 

If you want a high-quality treadmill with nice specs, but also need it to fold so you can maximize space in your home gym, consider the Horizon 7.4 AT. This machine features a hydraulic folding mechanism, making it easy to fold and unfold, plus folding it will take back about 3 feet of floor space. We will warn you though, this machine is heavy at over 300 pounds, so moving it won’t be a walk in the park.

Man folding up the Horizon 7.4 Studio treadmill
Image of the Horizon 7.4 AT, which we have tested.

The 7.4 AT comes with a fan, of course, that’s located in the middle at the bottom of the console with one button to turn it on and off. Other ergonomic features we like include the cushioned deck and QuickDial controls for smooth speed and incline transitions. 

We also like that this is an open-platform treadmill, meaning that you can stream a variety of fitness apps and on-demand classes with the machine’s Bluetooth connectivity including Peloton, Zwift, and Nike Run Club. You’ll need your own device, though. 

Read our full Horizon 7.4 AT treadmill review for more on this machine. 

Fan 1
Footprint76” L x 37” W x 63” H
Weight capacity350 pounds
MotorNot disclosed
Display 8.25” LCD 

Best Treadmill With a Fan Under $1,000: Schwinn 810 

Good for: Those on a tight budget

Best Under $1,000
Schwinn 810 Treadmill
Schwinn 810 Treadmill

If you’re looking for a basic, user-friendly treadmill for walking or jogging, the Schwinn 810 is a good choice. Powered by a 2.6 horsepower motor, the 810 supports speeds up to 10 miles per hour and, notably, offers 10 levels of power incline. While the 1.9 horsepower motor certainly will not support any sustained or intense running, the 810 provides enough variability in speed and incline to get in a good sweat.The 810 comes with some impressive features such as the 16 preset workout options, Bluetooth connectivity to the Explore the World App (for a fee), integrated console speakers and a media shelf. The shock-absorbing, cushioned running deck measures 55 inches by 20 inches, which should be suitable for most runners. That said, those with particularly long strides may find it constricting.The soft drop folding system is incredibly easy to use and it makes folding and unfolding the machine a breeze. With two transport wheels and a weight of 155 pounds, the Schwinn 810 is easily transported and stored; an attractive feature to those with small spaces.


  • Price 
  • Foldable 
  • Comes with extras like fan and water bottle holder


  • Average motor 
  • 10 MPH max speed 
  • LCD display

Finding a decent treadmill under $1,000 is no easy feat, and you’ll definitely have to sacrifice in some key areas if your budget falls in this category. 

First, the good news: The Schwinn 810 comes equipped with some nice extras, like a built-in fan as well as water bottle holders, a USB charging port, and heart rate pulse grips. Its 55-inch-long running deck would be just fine for most people, and the 2.6 CHP motor would sustain walking and casual jogging. It’s also foldable and comes with transport wheels to move—plus, at 155 pounds, you should be able to move it around a room without much problem.

If you’re a serious runner, this won’t be the machine for you, with its motor power and 10 MPH max speed. However, if you just want a machine that you can get on and go, the Schwinn 810 might be a good option. 

Read our full Schwinn 810 review to see what our expert tester thought about its performance.

Fan 1
Footprint69.1” L x 35.6” W x 56.7” H
Weight capacity275 pounds
Motor2.6 CHP
Display LCD

Other Treadmills With Fans We Tried and Researched 

There are a few other treadmills that made our short list for this best treadmills with fans roundup, but ultimately, didn’t make the cut:

Sole F80: The bigger sibling to the F63, the F80 has some more advanced features, as well as a significantly higher price. Check out our Sole F63 vs Sole F80 comparison for the deets, but long story short: We think they provide very similar experiences. 

Bowflex T10: For about $2,000, the T10 is super stable, has a generous incline and decline range, and its 10-inch touchscreen can stream apps like Netflix and Disney+. At this price point, we prefer the NordicTrack with iFIT programming.

ProForm Pro 2000: Priced just under the Pro 9000, we like the Pro 2000’s specs, we just haven’t gotten to actually test it yet. 

How We Picked and Tested the Best Treadmills With Fans

Having a fan was the main criteria, but how else did we evaluate this list of the best treadmills with fans?  

  • Motor: Will it allow consistent running, or is it only suitable as a walking treadmill?
  • Deck: How long and wide is the deck? Is it best for walkers, or would tall people and serious runners have enough space to stride?
  • Cushioning: Is there any shock absorption system on the running surface?
  • Speed and incline: What’s the top speed, and is there at least some incline option?
  • Technology: Is there a touchscreen display on this treadmill? Can you use any interactive programming with it? Are there Bluetooth speakers?
  • Extras: Does this treadmill come equipped with a heart rate monitor, water bottle holders, tablet holder, or any storage? Are there preset training programs built into the machine? 

Why You Should Have a Treadmill With a Fan 

The main benefit of purchasing a treadmill with a cooling fan is for temperature regulation. Temperature matters when you’re running, and if you’re a runner, I’m sure you know this anecdotally. But there’s research on just how much it can affect you, too. 
According to a 2023 study published in the Medicine & Science in Sports Exercise1, an air temperature between 10 and 17.5 degrees Celsius (50 to 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit) was optimum for peak performance in endurance runners from 1,258 races from the year 1936 to 2019. For every one degree outside of these conditions, performance declined by .3 to .4%.

Sole f63 with Coop and the display.

The University of Connecticut’s Korey Stringer Institute2 cites convection, or air movement, as one of the ways athletes can thermoregulate their internal body temperatures. If thermoregulation is not controlled, it can lead to decreased performance. 

So while a treadmill fan won’t make a difference in the air temperature, it will circulate the hot air away from you and help sweat to evaporate quicker, making you feel cooler overall. Plus, it just feels good, amirite?

How to Choose the Best Treadmill With a Fan for You 

If a fan is a must-have feature for you on the treadmill you purchase, great! That narrows down the options considerably. But, there are other important factors you should keep in mind, including:


Although it would be nice to pick out any treadmill your heart desires, a majority of us have to be realistic about what we can afford. Decide if you’re in the budget sub-$1,000 camp, the mid-range $1,500 camp, or the high-end camp and then narrow down your options from there. You can purchase directly from the manufacturer, or a third-party retailer like Amazon or Walmart. Be aware that a built-in fan is not a feature you’ll find on a super-budget treadmill. 

Space Constraints

Depending on the size of your home gym, you’ll probably need to evaluate the functionality of your space and what size treadmill can reasonably fit. Guidance is usually to leave a few feet on each side of the machine for safety, so factor that in. Bonus points if the treadmill folds and can give you some floor space back when you’re not using it. 

Motor Power

Evaluate your fitness goals—are you a walker or a runner? Will you be using the machine a few times a week for 30 minutes at a time, or for hours while training for a marathon? This will affect what type of motor you’ll require. We recommend at least a 2.0 CHP motor for walkers, 2.5 CHP motor for joggers, and 3.5 CHP for serious runners.

RELATED: Guide to Understanding Treadmill Motors

Speed and Incline Ranges

Especially if you’ll be running on your machine, you’ll want at least a 10 MPH top speed. Incline options are useful as well, especially for interval training. Ten incline levels should be more than enough for most people’s home workouts. 

RELATED: History of Treadmills

FAQs on Best Treadmills With Fans

Do NordicTrack treadmills have a fan?

This is dependent upon the model. All of the treadmills NordicTrack currently manufactures have fans; the C700, which is on closeout, does not.

Does a Bowflex treadmill have a fan?

Both models currently offered by Bowflex—the T22 and the T10—have fans.

Which is the best treadmill for home use?

Through our thorough testing and review process, our favorite treadmills for home use are:
Best Treadmill Overall: NordicTrack Commercial 1750
Best Treadmill Under $1500: Sole F63
Best Treadmill for Running: ProForm Pro 9000 
Best Treadmill for Walkers: TrueForm Trainer
Best Manual Treadmill: AssaultRunner Pro
Best Folding Treadmill: Echelon Stride 
Best Streaming Treadmill: ProForm Carbon T10


  1. Mantzios K, Ioannou LG, Panagiotaki Z, Ziaka S, Périard JD, Racinais S, Nybo L, Flouris AD. Effects of Weather Parameters on Endurance Running Performance: Discipline-specific Analysis of 1258 Races. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2023 Jan 1;54(1):153-161. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002769. PMID: 34652333; PMCID: PMC8677617.
  2. How Thermoregulation Can Give Athletes An Edge (Mission AthleteCare). University of Connecticut Korey Stringer Institute. 2015, May 17. 

Further reading

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