IronMInd EGG

IronMInd EGG


4.8571428571429 out of 5 based on 7 customer ratings
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Warm-ups, active rest and recovery, stress-relief, repping out, or max efforts, the IronMind EGG can be squeezed as gently or as ferociously as you’d like.

Egg-shaped, made of a 21st-century polymer that is easy on the soft tissue of your hand and retains its shape.

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Product Summary

Warm-ups, active rest and recovery, stress-relief, repping out, or max efforts, the IronMind EGG can be squeezed as gently or as ferociously as you’d like.

Egg-shaped, made of a 21st-century polymer that is easy on the soft tissue of your hand and retains its shape. 4″ long and 7-1/4″ around the widest part, the IronMind EGG comes in two densities:

  • Green EGG is softer, with a greater dynamic range when squeezed; perfect for rehab
  • Blue EGG has a firmer, stiffer feel, with a useful amount of give

No. 1425-G (1 lb.) Green EGG $19.95





1 LB

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IronMInd EGG

GGR BuiltScore: 4.83/5
4.8571428571429 out of 5

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